Friday, March 20, 2009

College Course that suits for you

My course is Information Technology i'm already 3rd year incoming 4th year next semester. When i enrolled my course it took me a 3 days to know what course i should be taken for an 4 years of studying. I know how to use a computer and i don't know about any medicine that associates Medicine course, and i dont know how to calculate much algebra or theory or calculating any measurements that can be taught of an "engineer". Im basically familiarize of using a computer so i took up a 4 year course "Information Technology".

Anyone can took up there course that has to be suited for them, such as that course is there main exclusive skills that can be used when they finish there course. Course is not picking only a course or wasting there money. Course is the important thing to be used in the coming future of any individual person.
"Think twice or trice when choosing a course that suits or best for you".

1 comment:

  1. nice dude.. im a nursing student but use computers oftentimes
